Securely clean and protect payment terminals

28 April 2020

True to its values, ARECO offers you a sustainable solution with a low environmental impact to limit the spread of pathogenic germs and increase the lifespan of your payment terminals.

Many stores use disinfecting wipes to clean the Payment Terminals between each customer’s visit. When used, these wipes damage the Payment terminals’ keys.

We offer a transparent, flexible PVC cover that can be attached to the terminals, and which conforms to the shape of the terminals, to facilitate their cleaning and prevent their deterioration.

This protection attaches to the back of the payment terminal. Adjustable links adapt to the terminal for a perfect fit.

The advantages:

  • Ecological: reusable protection after washing with a disinfecting solution.
  • Durable: Increases the life of the terminal by protecting the keypad from droplet spillage
  • Efficient: guaranteed cleaning thanks to the smooth surface of the protection.