Seafood department

ARECO has been a partner of food shops since 1998 and offers solutions for managing and enhancing the value of the seafood department. With these solutions, your department is in good hands.

Besoins du rayon marée

The needs of the seafood department

In the shop, the staff of a seafood department have to deal with several constraints.

First of all, the recommended humidity level for seafood stalls must be between 85% and 95%. This is in addition to the regulatory core temperature of the products, which must be between 0°C and 2°C.

However, these parameters can be altered due to the ambient temperature of the shop, lighting or melting of the ice. This can lead to loss of freshness and weight of the products on the display.

In addition, there may be a risk of odours and insects on the furniture if the products are not stored properly.

ARECO responds to all these challenges with nebulisation and the AD-CARE system for de-icing stalls. Nebulisation transforms the management of the seafood department and contributes to preserving the freshness of seafood products, while AD-CARE improves working conditions and reduces the risk of musculoskeletal disorders.

The benefits of nebulisation for your seafood department

La nébulisation ARECO sur le rayon marée


AD-CARE pour déglaçage des étals marée

ARECO offers de-icing of seafood stalls with AD-CARE

The AD-CARE innovation is an automatic and rapid de-icing system for seafood stalls.

ARECO thus responds to one of the main constraints for fishmongers.

Mobile and programmable, AD-CARE improves the working conditions of staff and the management of the seafood department.

ARECO solutions for the seafood department